Up, Up and Away – Explain how the headline and the picture are effective and how they link to the text.
The headline and picture are very effective, firstly because it says, “Up, Up and away”. This is clearly related, not just to the text, but a famous pixar movie (Up). The article is about a man who uses helium balloons to fly himself over the English Channel in an armchair. The “Up, up and away” suggests that he is flying to another destination and not returning for a while (which actually happened as it says in the text). The part where it says “the day that armchair travel really took off” to me is very funny because when we fly in planes we are seated in armchairs but this time the armchair is on its’ own. No metal shell or pilot, just balloons.
The picture is also very effective, and links to the text because it shows how the mechanism looked as he was flying over the White cliffs of Dover. Also, the balloons are very bright so it really stands out. In addition, the angle of the camera shot shows how high up he was and how dangerous and risky it was (as he stated in the text).